Dinosaur Moneta Dress

I may like my second Moneta even more than my first.  Why?  Because.  Dinosaurs!

The pattern
Colette’s Moneta dress 🙂

I didn’t gather the skirt the way the pattern instructs – I just don’t have the knack with clear elastic at all.  I just gathered it in the standard way (basting and pulling the back thread).  I also shortened the skirt a little, but that is a fairly standard modification for me – so much so that I barely even count it.

The fabric
I found the fabric on eBay.  It came from a shop in Germany, I think.  It is really soft and comfortable to wear, but my machine hated this fabric.  It just kept trying to eat it, sometimes in the middle of a seam with no explanation whatsoever – majorly stressful.  Every now and then I do come across a jersey my machine just won’t have.  A lot of people have suggested a walking foot – I think I may have to take heed of their advice.

The cost
The fabric was £16 per metre.  I bought two and have some leftover – probably enough for a very simple tee (hello, Agnes!) if I ever pluck up the courage to put this fabric through my machine again.  I already had all the other supplies I needed, so about £32 for this one 🙂

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